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How to resize a volume

To resize your volume please follow these instructions:

Unmount the volume

First you should manually unmount the filesystem from your instance.

sudo umount /path/to/mounting/directory

(optional) nfs export

If the filesystem is exported via nfs it is better to check if any files has been kept open by the system and then stop the nfs server.

lsof +D /path/to/mounting/directory
sudo service nfs-kernel-server stop

Web Interface to Detach, Extend and Reattach

Detach the volume from the server

To detach the volume from your server:

  1. From Dashboard, on Volumes tab, find your volume
  2. Select the volume and click Manage Attachments
  3. Click Detach Volume and confirm your changes

Extend Volume size

Select volume and click extend volume and specify the new size

Reattach Volume to running instance

Attach volume to Instance using the ScienceCloud GUI. Check the Attach Volume section for detailed information.

Verify the volume is attached

On the ScienceCloud GUI, select the Volume tab and check what is reported in the Attached To and Size fields. Alternatively, logon to your instance and use lsblk to find to which device name your volume is attached


You should see entries like /dev/vd<LETTER> or /dev/sd<LETTER> with the new size – where <LETTER> is a lowercase latin letter like a, b, etc.

(optional) Scan the filesystem for errors

sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sd<LETTER>
Note: change the device name accordingly.

Resize the file system

sudo resize2fs /dev/sd<LETTER>
Note: change the device name accordingly.

Mount the new filesystem

sudo mount /dev/sd<LETTER> /path/mount/point
Note: change the device name accordingly.

(optional) Restart the NFS server

If mounted volume was exported via NFS, you should restart the NFS server

sudo service nfs-kernel-server start


You may need to wait few minutes before all the nodes see the newly mounted filesystem.

Check the size of the file system

df -h