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Account Information

For users

Account information for individual users can be most easily accessed via the sacctmgr command. The most common information sought for individual users includes account affiliations (i.e., the project that covers your computational costs), accessible partitions, and QOS (i.e., job time limits).

Though this information can be found by running a simple sacctmgr show associations command, the recommended way to display this information also includes an extra format argument for easier viewing. Consider running the following from the command line after logging in:

sacctmgr show assoc format=account%30,partition,user,qos%30 user=$USER

Default accounts

ScienceCluster users who are members of more than one Slurm account may check and set their default account to which jobs are submitted.

To see your current default account:

sacctmgr show user $USER format=defaultaccount%30

And to change to a different default account:

sacctmgr modify user where user=$USER set defaultaccount=example.project

For project owners and technical contacts

Account information for group membership can be retrieved in a similar manner. If your project/tenant name is example.project, consider running the following code from the Cluster command line after logging in:

sacctmgr show assoc format=partition,user,qos account=example.project

This command will list all users associated with the project, the partition(s) available for each user, and the default QOS (i.e., time limit) associated with the user and the particular partition.