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2. ScienceCloud Web Interface

The ScienceCloud Web Interface login can be found here:

Through the ScienceCloud Web Interface end-users can both access and control the provisioning of instances and data volumes as well as customize network configurations.


For security reasons, you can access the ScienceCloud web interface only from the UZH internal network. Please use the UZH VPN if you are connecting from off-campus.

User Profile

The top-right icon of the web interface allows users to access:

  • Settings: the User Settings allow one to change the default view of the web interface.
  • Help: a shortcut to our official ScienceCloud Documentation page.
Project Menu
  • From the Project dropdown menu you can view and manage the resources in a selected project, including instances and images.
  • Each user is a member of one or more projects. Within each project, the user can create and manage instances, data volumes, and networks.
  • Projects have quotas limiting their available resources.
    • Each quota sets the total number of resources that can be allocated simultaneously to all members of a project.
    • Quotas are comprised of limits on the number of computing cores, the available RAM (in GB), the number of instances, the number of data volumes, and the total amount of data volume space (in GB). 
Compute Menu
  • Overview: View reports for the project. 
  • Instances: View, launch, create a snapshot from, stop, pause, or reboot instances, as well as connect to them through VNC. 
  • Volumes: Use the following tabs to complete certain tasks:
    • Volumes: View, create, edit, and delete volumes.
    • Volume Snapshots: View, create, edit, and delete volume snapshots.
  • Images: View images and instance snapshots created by project users, plus any images that are publicly available. Create, edit, and delete images, and launch instances from images and snapshots.
  • Access & Security: Use the following tabs to complete certain tasks:
    • Security Groups: View, create, edit, and delete security groups and security group rules. In other words, define the various ways and ports that can be used to connect to an instance (e.g., opening a port to allow the use of RStudio Server or Jupyter).
    • Key Pairs: View, create, edit, import, and delete key pairs.
    • Floating IPs: Allocate an IP address to, or release it from, a project.
    • API Access: Show API endpoints and download RC files for authentication through OpenStack Command Line Interface (CLI).
Network Menu
  • Network Topology: View the network topology. 
  • Networks: Create and manage public and private networks. 
  • Routers: Create and manage subnets.